Clarify Your Understanding of the Voice & Get Results

We'll empower YOU with solutions to achieve your goals

We'll empower YOU with solutions to achieve your goals

Estill Voice Training ®

8-11 April – Level I&II

Estill Voice Training®

8-11 April Level I&II

The Umbrella Rooms
241 Shaftesbury Avenue – LONDON


The Umbrella Rooms
241 Shaftesbury Avenue LONDON


‘Life changing’
Paul Schofield – Musical Director/Musician

‘I wish I had known about this years ago’
Deborah Bloom - Drama Teacher

‘A must for people who want to become real singing teachers’
Ola Igboaka - Singer/Teacher/Songwriter

‘Too many "Ah Ha" moments to keep track of!’
Andrew Schmidt - Singer/Teacher/Choral Conductor

‘Completely, professionally transforming! No exaggeration’
Tanya Holt - Caberet & Musical Theatre Singer

‘Some of the most effective vocal coaching I’ve ever seen.’
Samantha Miles - Speech & Language Therapist

'Life Changing' Paul Schofield – Musical Director/Musician

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential


Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential


It’s frustrating struggling to fix the same vocal issues

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Are there gaps in your singing or teaching technique

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Confused by the sea of ideas as to what to try next

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Unable to find the answers you're looking for

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Unsure where to get the help you need

WE'VE BEEN THERE Let's get you moving forward

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

Fill those missing pieces in your vocal knowledge

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

Answers with tools & strategies that actually work

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

Get the help & support you need to achieve your goals

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

Finally fix those vocal issues permanently


End the guesswork & fill the gaps in your vocal knowledge

Gain the vocal knowledge needed to fill the gaps.


Practical solutions proven to get the voice YOU want

Vocal knowledge based on research carried out by us.


Before, during & after to help achieve your vocal goals

Get an internationally recognised qualification in voice.


Estill Voice Training®

8-11 April Level I&II

The Umbrella Rooms
241 Shaftesbury Avenue LONDON


WE CARE ABOUT YOU and understand your frustrations

If you’re reading this now it means we share the same goal. To have a better voice for ourselves or for others.
We're passionate about helping people have just that. Whether it's to fix one vocal issue or take you right through to achieving certification.



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How to teach voice within different genres

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Who to trust with your vocal goals

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How to get Certified in Estill Voice Training

more ANSWERS at our

Join the FUN!

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential Charlotte Xerri EMCI-ATP SD Estill Mentor & Course Instructor with Advanced Testing Privileges & Service Distinction

What do people like YOU say about Voice Your Potential?

‘It's amazing how much my singing voice has improved in such a short period of time’
Catherine Ridings – Speech & Language Pathologist – February '24

‘Thank you for introducing me to the power of my voice’
AyÅŸe Buse Kurt - Speech & Language Pathologist - January '24

‘The week gave me all the answers I'd gone through various singing teachers to find & so much more’
Sufia Lills – Musical Director – October '23

‘A brilliant course - informative & fun. Charlotte & her team are real experts. They're also generous, supportive & often hilarious’
Justin Joseph – Teacher – October '23

‘Charlotte is wonderful, incredibly knowledgeable, friendly, encouraging & helped me get something out of my voice I didn't think was possible’
Rachel Calvert – Performance Arts Teacher – April '23

‘It's amazing how much my singing voice has improved in such a short period of time’
Catherine Ridings – Speech & Language Pathologist – February '24

‘Thank you for introducing me to the power of my voice’
AyÅŸe Buse Kurt - Speech & Language Pathologist - January '24

‘The week gave me all the answers I'd gone through various singing teachers to find & so much more’
Sufia Lills – Musical Director – October '23

‘A brilliant course - informative & fun. Charlotte & her team are real experts. They're also generous, supportive & often hilarious’
Justin Joseph – Teacher – October '23

‘Truly amazing. Charlotte is inspiring & the course is so informative. Taught in a very kind, patient, supportive & incredibly fun environment. My only regret is that I didn’t do it years ago. Thank you so much.’
Michelle Minderides – Singer/Teacher Apr '24


Estill Voice Training®

8-11 April Level I&II

The Umbrella Rooms
241 Shaftesbury Avenue LONDON


Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential Charlotte Xerri EMCI-ATP SD Estill Mentor & Course Instructor with Advanced Testing Privileges & Service Distinction


Find out first hand how we can help.

watch video - click below

News on research study videos coming soon...

What's so special about Voice Your Potential?

WE BELIEVE IN SUPPORT We'll show you how to make a difference

That's why with us you'll have access to an officially certified vocal expert throughout all of our courses and personal attention from an
EMCI-ATP SD (Estill Mentor & Course Instructor with Advanced Testing Privileges & Service Distinction) throughout our Certification Pathways.

Get the knowledge & tools to make the difference you're looking for

WE WANT YOU TO SUCCEED ..and have some fun along the way

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

Target what you want and what you don't!

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

No more wasting time and effort on guess work

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

Understand the difference and make real progress

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

Start making the changes you're looking for now

Want to stay informed about courses & coaching?


Training and certification available online and on demand.


Estill Voice Training®

8-11 April Level I&II

The Umbrella Rooms
241 Shaftesbury Avenue



Plan ahead with confidence knowing that your investment is secure
If any course or coaching is changed or cancelled for any reason, you will be entitled to receive a FULL REFUND.

CERTIFICATION An internationally recognised qualification

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A clear & structured pathway to Certification

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Online, on-demand & in-person

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Your success is the goal


Estill Voice Training®

8-11 April Level I&II

The Umbrella Rooms
241 Shaftesbury Avenue LONDON


Hands up who wants answers that actually work.

Find out first hand
click HERE

Charlotte Xerri EMCI-ATP SD
Estill Mentor
& Course Instructor

with Advanced Testing Privileges
Service Distinction

Charlotte Xerri EMCI-ATP Estill Mentor & Course Instructor with Advanced Testing Privileges & Service Distinction

As founder & director of Voice Your Potential® Charlotte is passionate about sharing her experience & knowledge in the UK, globally online & in-person.


Charlotte has served as President of the Estill Voice International Certification Advisory Board as one of the most qualified teachers/examiners of the Estill Model. 
Find her at estillvoice.com by clicking HERE.


Estill Voice Training®

8-11 April Level I&II

The Umbrella Rooms
241 Shaftesbury Avenue LONDON


Urdang Academy LONDON
University of Chichester Conservatoire
Leeds Conservatoire
Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts LONDON
University of Northampton
Tenovus charitable organisations

© 2009 - 2025 Voice Your Potential® Ltd. - All Rights Reserved | Registered Office: 2 Upperton Gardens, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2AH | Company No. 09520488Â