
Be the Vocal Coach everyone wants

We'll get YOU through

What sets us apart?


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A clear & structured pathway to certification

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Help & guidance when you need it

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Your success is the goal

Our idea is to get YOU what you need to get Certified.

When you're with us know that our aim is to end your struggle and get your own clear path forward.

Find the knowledge & support to achieve the qualifications in voice you want.

If you've already attended an official
Estill Voice Training® Level I&II course...


You now meet the prerequisite to attain your
EFP (Estill Figure Proficiency) Certificate

For our next EFP PREP DAY click below

If you're unsure about where you are right now?

Make a 30 minute ONE2ONE booking by clicking  below

with Charlotte Xerri EMCI-ATP SD
Estill Mentor & Course Instructor with Advanced Testing Privileges
& Service Distinction

You'll get a clear & honest assessment of how much (or little) is needed to achieve your goal.

An internationally recognised qualification in voice

Certification at any level means having the right to have that listed in a curriculum vitae and promotional biographical descriptions.

'Charlotte is such a down to earth, open-minded and generous teacher, I’ve felt supported every step of the way. I can’t recommend Charlotte enough!'

Laura Boon - Estill Master Trainer - singer/teacher

Find information on
Estill Voice Training® Certification Levels

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

Estill Figure Proficiency (EFP)

Awarded to individuals for achievement in demonstrating the basic options for voice control taught in Estill Voice International (EVI) approved Estill Voice Training® (EVT) Level One and Level Two courses.

The EFP examination process is open to anyone who has completed an EVT Level One and Two Course. Sound files for each Figure option and Quality are recorded into the Estill Voiceprint Plus spectrogram programme. The EFP examination typically takes 1-2 hours.

Examination Fee – £150.

The Estill Figure Proficiency is a prerequisite for more advanced certification levels. It is an excellent place to start.

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

Estill Master Trainer (EMT)

Awarded to individuals who develop a command of EVT theory and practice, and who are able to demonstrate the ability to teach Estill Voice Training in the private studio or classroom setting.

Phase One – you demonstrate mastery of the Estill Voice Model, including the Figures for Voice taught in Level I and the Six Voice Qualities taught in Level II through formal written and Estill Voiceprint Plus examinations.

Phase Two – once you have passed phase one, you then demonstrate the ability to teach Estill Voice Training® to individuals and/or small groups.

An Estill Mentor & Course Instructor (EMCI) with testing privileges observes and assesses your competency.

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

Estill Mentor & Course Instructor (EMCI)

Demonstrates advanced understanding of the Estill Voice Model as well as the anatomy, physiology, acoustics, and research that are its foundation through formal written and oral examinations.

Certification at this level indicates mastery of teaching Level I & II Courses in public and is the culmination of a mentoring process where the candidate is observed and supervised teaching Estill Voice Training® concepts and Figures in public courses.

'An absolute eye opener & must for those who want to become real singing teachers.'
Ola Igboakahe - singer/teacher/songwriter

For help on the best way forward
for YOU...

Begin Your Journey

Information including prerequisites in the
Estill Voice Training® - Certification Manual
version 5.2.1 effective July 2024
download or view pdf - click below

Want to stay informed about Certification?

What is Estill? - Find Out First Hand - read our blog HERE

Find Charlotte Xerri at EVI (Estill Voice International) - click HERE

Urdang Academy LONDON
University of Chichester Conservatoire
Leeds Conservatoire
Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts LONDON
University of Northampton
Tenovus charitable organisations

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