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Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

We're passionate about giving people a better voice for themselves & for others they're helping.


Whether it's to fix one vocal issue or take you right through to achieving certification, you'll always get personal attention throughout from Charlotte who is an EMCI-ATP (Estill Mentor & Course Instructor with Advanced Testing Privileges).


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No. However after attending and taking part in all elements, participants receive an 'Attendance Certificate'. This will count as a prerequisite towards pursuit of Estill Voice Training qualifications.
The knowledge and tools gained from the Level I&II course will make such a difference to your voice and/or teaching, you may decide to join others who go on to certification.

Find out more at our Certification page, click HERE

Yes you can take Level Level I&II separately. The vast majority of people do them together. This has proved over many years to be the most effective and enjoyable way to learn the model.
Besides, after completing Level I you’ll be eager to find out where Level II will take you.

Level I & II courses are progressive and together teach the model in its entirety. It's not possible to attend Level II without first taking Level I as it wouldn't make any sense!
Your experience however will be invaluable to help master the model and its tools more efficiently.

It may be possible to attend the Level I course with an option to stay on for Level II. Although the courses are intensive, it’s not just working on your own voice, much of the time involves listening and observing others and having fun!

Healthy, stress and pain free vocalisation is at the heart of what we teach. Rest assured you will be monitored closely throughout with expert help always at hand. You can whenever you wish rest your voice and still take part in the course. During Level I you’ll find the information ‘clicks’ and you’re able to effect changes quite quickly. Therefore, you may feel at the end of Level I that you you’d like to stay on for Level II and continue having fun!

Watch an interview with an SLT who has been on our course and seen for themselves. Click HERE.

The term is taken from the world of competitive figure skating where the execution of certain ‘figures’ was compulsory, such as the Figure 8. This demonstrated technical skills, physical and mental control.
Similarly, Estill Voice Training – Figures for Voice are exercises used to acquire and demonstrate vocal control. They form part of the vocal toolkit gained that you’ll be able to use.

Our Refund/Cancellation Policy forms part of our Terms & Conditions & can be found by clicking the link in the footer of all our website pages and by clicking HERE.

Find Answers to our Top 10 most asked questions at our blog by clicking HERE.

Or for something more specific

Charlotte Xerri

Estill Mentor & Course Instructor with Advanced Testing Privileges & Service Distinction find her at Estillvoice.com by clicking HERE.

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Urdang Academy LONDON
University of Chichester Conservatoire
Leeds Conservatoire
Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts LONDON
University of Northampton
Tenovus charitable organisations

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