Let's be Clear
For our Refund/Cancellation Policy scroll down or
This site and the services offered are provided by Voice Your Potential® Limited and subject to the following terms and conditions. Please review them regularly for changes. If you do not agree to these terms or our Privacy Policy, do not use this site or any services offered.
Intellectual Property – Copyright
The name Voice Your Potential® is a Registered Trademark for Voice Your Potential Ltd. Company No: 09520488 Registered Office: 2 Upperton Gardens, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2AH UK.
The services, this site, and all information and/or content that you see, hear, or otherwise experience on this site are protected by U.K. and international intellectual property, copyright & trademark laws. These include but are not restricted to; The Berne Convention, WIPO, WCT, TRIPS, DMCA.
This Includes all and any materials being physical or digital media files in any format including document, images, video and/or sound accessed by any means. This is provided as absolute property and Copyright owned by Voice Your Potential Ltd. &/or third parties who have previously given permission to Voice Your Potential Ltd.
All media materials, books, physical paper handouts etc. obtained from attending any course, workshop or ONE2ONE session are copyrighted by Voice Your Potential® and/or those person(s) organisation(s) that have provided them.
Recordings of any sort including sound, video and photographic obtained from attending any course, workshop or ONE2ONE session ONLINE or IN-PERSON are copyrighted by Voice Your Potential®. If you are given permission to make any recordings it is assumed, they will be for your personal use only.
Any & all items listed and described above must not be reproduced or shared in any form or on any format including physical, digital, web-based or to Social Media without the prior consent of Voice Your Potential® Ltd &/or those mentioned in this statement.
The protection of intellectual property & copyright is taken very seriously. Legal proceedings can be brought against any infringement.
If you become aware of any copyright materials found on this site being used in a way that contravenes any of the statements above, please contact us below.
Third Party Links Resources & Security
Links to websites from third parties may be available on this site. We are not responsible or liable for the accuracy of such websites, the content, products, or services on or available from such websites. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.
All fees are subject to an annual review.
Vocal Health
Vocal health is your responsibility.
In the interests of vocal well-being and to help fulfil any goals and responsibilities, it is important to please inform us of any issue/medical condition that may affect your participation with any course, workshop, ONE2ONE session or service, offered by Voice Your Potential®. We will treat all such information confidentially. if you have any concerns about your vocal health please seek medical advice.
*Refund/Cancellation Policy
By ensuring viabilty, the design criteria of any courses, training or coaching provided can be fulfilled.
Please note for all courses, if for any reason you are unable to attend;
- You will be entitled to a full refund
up to 30 days before
the course start date. - Cancellations
within 30 but more than 14 days
of the course start date will
be refunded at 50%. - Cancellations 14 days or less
prior to the course start date,
fee non-refundable.
- You may (once only) Transfer up to
30 days prior to the course start date,
the fee already paid to a
similar course on another date.
If the place on the second course is subsequently cancelled. The refund will be in accordance with whichever cancellation/transfer is closest to its course start date.
- To cancel a session please give a
minimum of 48 hours’ notice
to receive a full refund.
Should Voice Your Potential® cancel a session, no charge will be made.
Pre-paid sessions can be carried forward to another date or refunded in full.
Voice Your Potential accepts no responsibilities as host regarding anything other than providing a Course Observation place.
This includes any purpose for which the course is being observed.
Anything further that may be required such as induction, feedback, questions, or any type of follow up can only be given after the course finish date by making a ONE2ONE Booking for the time needed and paying the appropriate fee.
No agreements/contracts will be signed or agreed to on behalf of Voice Your Potential regarding a Course Observation place.
A Course Observation place is subject to the same *Refund/Cancellation Policy as that for all courses stated above.
We take your Privacy and Security seriously.
For information (including EU Data Protection Law & GDPR) visit our Privacy Policy page.