What is Estill?

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

a method or technique?
style of singing?
way of teaching? 

seriously, isn't it?

Estill is...

a method or technique or style of singing
nor a way of teaching.

Surprised? Actually Estill complements, builds upon and enhances your method or technique, what ever your style of singing or way of teaching. 

Let's first be clear about which Estill we're talking about.

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

ESTILL - The person
Jo Estill
 singer, teacher, humanitarian and researcher. Who as a singer one day asked herself 'how am I doing this'. She then embarked on decades of work to produce the model of vocal function that we now use to help others.

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

ESTILL - The research
The papers Jo Estill wrote that gave rise to the Estill Model of vocal function; an explanation of how the voice works. 

ESTILL - Voice Training
Shows us how the voice works & how to make changes to get the results we want.

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

ESTILL - Figures and Qualities
Practical voice exercises called Figures are designed to help you control and master the voice. The Figures are used to understand and produce different voice Qualities.

The five day course.
3 days for Level I (Figures). 2 days for Level II (Qualities) A tried and tested format. It introduces the research, the model and a whole bag of practical, proven tools to give you the knowledge you need for results.


Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

ESTILL - Voiceprint
Spectrogram software showing sound as a visual representation. An invaluable tool to help us and those we teach to progress. It can show us when we're doing what we've chosen to do.


ESTILL - Trainers
People who after training and examinations, are officially certified by Estill Voice International to teach Estill Voice Training® to individuals. Some go on with further training and examinations to become certified Level I&II courses instructors and mentor others in their training.
Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential

ESTILL - Voice International
The company that owns the copyright to Jo Estill’s body of work, books, training aids and course materials. It is also the official body overseeing all qualifications and protocols.


Why Estill..?

Let's get more specific

…it’s free from aesthetic bias


It's about what you want to do with voice.
Genre or style has no bearing on finding a way to do what you want with voice. As long as it's done with vocal health in mind we can help you get the results you're looking for.

The focus is on understanding vocal anatomy and physiology to gain control.

It’s great to have a discussion about what constitutes good singing or speaking within a given genre, however the model has no rules regarding style.
Whatever you want to do with voice, Estill can help you.

…it complements and builds on existing practice


You don't have to change everything you've learned before.
It builds on your existing method, technique and knowledge.

Estill doesn't try to tell you how you should sing or teach. Instead you'll gain a whole new ‘box of tools’ to improve any voice. It does not ‘reinvent the wheel’, many of the concepts may be familiar.
It increases your understanding of what you're doing now and shows you how to achieve what you want moving forward.

…vocal health is paramount


All exercises and strategies within the model, when properly taught and practiced with a Certified Trainer are not injurious to the voice.

Estill Voice Training® is used globally by many vocal health professionals.

We've helped many Speech and Language Therapists to use Estill Voice Training® as part of their toolkit.

…choices for students


Estill empowers the student to take responsibility for aesthetic decisions whatever the genre.

The student can gain conscious, voluntary and predictable control over their voice, greatly reducing fear sometimes experienced during performance.

…choices for teachers


Estill offers the teacher strategies for their own voice, to help manage efficient vocal function over long teaching days and maintain the quality of their own performance.

It enables the teacher to work outside their usual genre and offers options for 'quick fixes' when time is limited. 

It explains why analogy, metaphor and imagery may or may not work.

…it’s a diagnostic tool

The model deconstructs the voice, identifying the structures that contribute to voice production, and gives options for controlling each structure.

Estill helps to pinpoint which structures could be causing a problem.

…it's accessible


Getting started with the model is easy using everyday sounds like laughing, crying and sighing.

Estill is for anyone who uses voice in music, theatre, education, health and business.

Estill is not just for speakers, singers and singing teachers.

Now you know what Estill is...
and is not!

Want to stay informed about Estill Voice Training®?


Voice Your Potential


Charlotte Xerri

Estill Mentor & Course Instructor with Advanced Testing Privileges & Service Distinction

Find out more about charlotte by clicking below.

Find Charlotte Xerri at Estillvoice.com by clicking HERE.

Urdang Academy LONDON
University of Chichester Conservatoire
Leeds Conservatoire
Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts LONDON
University of Northampton
Tenovus charitable organisations

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