Speech & Language Therapy

for YOU & those you're helping

Our take on how Estill Voice Training can contribute to Speech & Language Therapy

An interview with

Freya Sparks Clinical Specialist SLT Head & Neck

ENT, Barts Health NHS Trust

Barts Charity Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow
City University of London


Charlotte Xerri

Estill Mentor & Course Instructor with
Advanced Testing Privileges & Service Distinction

Founder & Director of Voice Your Potential

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential Charlotte Xerri EMCI-ATP SD Estill Mentor & Course Instructor with Advanced Testing Privileges & Service Distinction

What do Speech & Language Therapists say about us?

‘I am so glad I attended this course. I have gained so much knowledge and watching Charlotte scaffold others' learning and voices in the open sessions was invaluable.’
Catherine Ridings – Speech & Language Pathologist



‘As a speech and language therapist, this course provides a rare opportunity to explore practical application of the anatomy and physiology of the voice. Being able to isolate, describe, and combine different movements within the vocal tract is essential for voice therapy and Estill gives the time and practice required to better support people with voice disorders.’
Hannah Francis – Speech & Language Therapist



‘I would recommend this course to anyone with interest in exploring and improving use of the voice.
While this course was not designed solely for Speech and Language Therapists, I felt the role and scope of SLTs was addressed with great understanding.
Course attendees benefit from a high level of expertise regarding the larynx and vocal parameters. An engaging and beneficial course with great tutors.’
Esther Webb – Speech & Language Therapist



‘Charlotte and the team combine genuine warmth and humour with technical expertise to offer some of the most effective vocal coaching I’ve ever seen. Their contagious enthusiasm is inspiring.’
Samantha Miles – Speech & Language Therapist



‘The course provided fantastic medical and practical detail to fully understand the vocal tract and voice production.’
Rachel Wilson – Speech & Language Therapist



‘I had a fantastic experience with Charlotte & Voice Your Potential. Charlotte is an incredibly skilled, attentive, knowledgeable and creative coach and she blends art with science perfectly. I've come away feeling so inspired and grateful. Thank you!’
Hannah Williams – Speech & Language Therapist

Research Study Videos Coming Soon...

Estill Voice Training with Voice Your Potential Charlotte Xerri EMCI-ATP SD Estill Mentor & Course Instructor with Advanced Testing Privileges & Service Distinction

Endoscopic & Spectographic Evaluation


Paul McKenna
Senior Specialist Speech and Language Therapist

James Smithson

Senior Specialist Speech and Language Therapist

Charlotte Xerri

Estill Mentor & Course Instructor with
Advanced Testing Privileges & Service Distinction

Associate Lecturer Voice, Vocal Tutor
Chichester University Conservatoire

Director & Founder of Voice Your Potential Ltd.


Clinical Voice Disorders & Professional Voice User Rehabilitation
Manchester University
NHS Foundation Trust
Department of Speech, Voice & Swallowing
Wythenshawe Hospital
Manchester UK

more about Charlotte Xerri click HERE.

find Charlotte Xerri at EVI (Estill Voice International) click HERE.

Urdang Academy LONDON
University of Chichester Conservatoire
Leeds Conservatoire
Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts LONDON
University of Northampton
Tenovus charitable organisations

© 2009 - 2025 Voice Your Potential® Ltd. - All Rights Reserved | Registered Office: 2 Upperton Gardens, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2AH | Company No. 09520488Â